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Website promotion and reviews

Website promotion in fact and without prepayment, - the first payment is 0 rubles!

Promotion of an online store through Webmaster and Lighthouse

Reviews, reputation management, catalog registration
Ready-made websites or unique ones with individual design

Website management system for online stores

Automation of the online store, synchronization with suppliers and marketplaces!

Multilingual online store and access to new markets
Ready-made mobile applications or unique ones to order
Mobile application development: iOS and Android or Kotlin-multiplatform

Creating an online store with custom mobile applications

Ready-made online stores with applications
Ready-made franchises or unique ones from your business

Franchise of a web studio, SEO company, - or any services

Creating a franchise from any business
Franchise of an online clothing store, - or sale of any goods
Workshop franchise, - or any small production
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A comic about PR and promotion
The book how to promote an online store
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What to do with negative reviews when everything that is written is true?

And if what they say is bad about the company is true? Each of us has cases when we want to leave negative reviews on the Internet about a company that violated the rules of communication with a client. It is not always possible for even very large and well-known companies to teach their employees how to communicate with customers correctly, and because of this, the brand's reputation suffers.
Review portals, blogs and forums are full of negative reviews about companies. And people can understand that when there is no other way to achieve the truth, it remains to act on the part of public opinion. Sometimes negative feedback from employees can scare away customers too!
Well, imagine, you are going to spend a large amount, buy an apartment. During the purchase process, some difficulties occur, and the representative of the developer refuses to give you information, gets dark, does not take your side and is generally not interested in you anymore, because he has already received your money. Having failed to achieve justice, a person naturally wants to reveal the truth about the developer to other buyers, warn them against communicating with a negligent employee, and ideally get him fired as not corresponding to his position.
The company's sales will begin to fall, as negative reviews on the Internet have a very strong influence on making a purchase decision, fortunately, there are always many options, competitors may turn out to be more professional. Then top management will have to solve issues of correcting its reputation, in particular, pay attention to the culture of communication with customers, and properly train its staff. And the offended buyer becomes satisfied, he achieves his truth.
Spreading negative reviews on the Internet in such a way that it really effectively affects the reputation of the company requires time and knowledge of technology, the ability to find influential sites. The desire to spread the truth does not always coincide with the possibilities. And in this case, the PR Star company can provide its resources to help you. We can convey the truth about your situation to the Internet audience in such a way that you will soon achieve a solution to your problem.
PR Star checks the situation before making an objective decision about the start of the campaign. Brand reputation is a very valuable asset of a business, spoiling the reputation of your opponent or competitor who is playing a dishonest game is a very, very strong move. If the company's management understands the situation, this way you strongly stimulate its development, if not, negative reviews on the Internet can completely destroy the business.