8 (800) 555-21-93
We have been creating and promoting since 2004.
We will help you enter the market of the economy in the TOP 5 of the World!

Website promotion and reviews

Website promotion in fact and without prepayment, - the first payment is 0 rubles!

Promotion of an online store through Webmaster and Lighthouse

Reviews, reputation management, catalog registration
Ready-made websites or unique ones with individual design

Website management system for online stores

Automation of the online store, synchronization with suppliers and marketplaces!

Multilingual online store and access to new markets
Ready-made mobile applications or unique ones to order
Mobile application development: iOS and Android or Kotlin-multiplatform

Creating an online store with custom mobile applications

Ready-made online stores with applications
Ready-made franchises or unique ones from your business

Franchise of a web studio, SEO company, - or any services

Creating a franchise from any business
Franchise of an online clothing store, - or sale of any goods
Workshop franchise, - or any small production
That's interesting.
A comic about PR and promotion
The book how to promote an online store
For clients
Price list
Modern website promotion!

The client wants to exchange less money for more. By buying a website promotion service, he expects to attract customers, make a profit from them and recoup costs. It turns out that the cost of the service is very important for website promotion — the higher it is, the less the client gets a return on the invested capital. After the price comes the question of the quality of the service, which must be provided on time and with the quality expected by the client. Here the question arises: how should a company that provides an online promotion service be organized? It is known that the whole world strives for automation, cost reduction, and simplification of business processes. Even if banks manage to be virtual and provide their services with excellent quality, it is clear that this market segment is doomed to develop, and it is only a matter of time!
The company prstar.ru - first of all, this is a service in which the customer, when buying a service, always receives the predicted quality on time and at the lowest market price. The ordered service can contain a huge set of components: reviews, PR in blogs and forums, copywriting and posting articles on portals, site audit and optimization, maintaining groups on social networks and their promotion, etc. And imagine that this whole complex is necessary for the client to promote his site, and naturally, the lower the cost and the more reliable the contractor, the better it is for the client. Ideally, there can be no question of a delay in shipment, work should be carried out day and night, and on weekends, and 365 days a year. After all, search engines can easily find out that, for example, all reviews are written on Mondays during business hours. Besides, what about the quality of an office employee who can always get sick, go on vacation, get lazy or quit? What will happen to the promotion of the client's website in this case, because the service can be provided qualitatively only if the PR happens non-stop? There can be no place for irreplaceable people in this type of business.
Absolutely all employees — consultants answering your call, assistants attached to the project, and all performers — must be organized in the service in such a way as to reduce the human factor to zero!
In the company prstar.ru your task enters the task feed, and all its elements are in implementation, and are visible to employees trained for the operation, in the same way as the production line is arranged. As a result, the client's task cannot stop, be forgotten or not be done.
If we see a small delay in some part of the pipeline, then we simply train more performers for this operation or increase the cost of remuneration for tasks, which, accordingly, leads to an equilibrium of the entire implementation process. When several specialists are able to perform any operation at once, which in turn will be checked by other specialists, then the human factor decreases to absolute zero.
In his personal account, the client sees all the operations performed on the project, and this means that in conditions of maximum openness, it turns out to organize standardized quality at the exit, bringing a return on invested capital.