We have been creating and promoting websites in Russia since 2004.
We will help you enter the market of the economy in the TOP 5 of the World!

Buy a franchise for a web studio or SEO company
Promotion of online stores by keywords in the TOP 5 search engines
Creating a franchise from any online store
PRSTAR CMS website management system for online stores
Automatic synchronization with suppliers and marketplaces!
Multilingual online store on PRSTAR CMS
Creating websites with custom mobile applications
Online store Promotion
Reviews and reputation management
Ready-made online stores with applications

About us
That's interesting.
A comic about PR and promotion
The book how to promote an online store

For clients
Price list

Creating a website with custom mobile applications

We can create absolutely any online store with mobile applications that are not inferior to large marketplaces. If you have a technical task in hand, you can calculate the cost yourself or just send a request via the feedback form.
We have a lot of developments and often a very complex website and mobile applications can cost significantly less.

Development of the server part (hour of work)

To approximate the cost of the backend, you need to count the number of database tables. It takes approximately 25 hours to develop a single table, with all the necessary methods for adding, deleting, editing, and fetching data. In our example of a simple online store, there are the following tables: users, catalog items, baskets, orders. In this example, 4 tables, respectively, will need about 100 hours. It is clear that calculating the number of tables is even more difficult than the number of screens, but you can get an approximate cost of development in order to download a commercial offer for yourself or your supervisor. And when you stop at us, then call or leave a request in order to make an accurate calculation.
25 $

Website creation (development hour)

Not just a website, but a website that passes all the Google Lighthouse tests. We make websites perfect for search engines and your costs will be repaid at the expense of traffic from Yandex and Google.
An additional bonus is synchronization with market places and suppliers. At night, the site automatically downloads all products and images from your suppliers' websites, distributes them into sections based on your product margin, and during the day your customers receive relevant offers.
The price is for 1 hour of development, leave a request and we will make an accurate calculation of the cost for your business. It can be just a few days of work, provided that our options for ready-made online stores are suitable for you, which can always be modified for any task.
36 $

Android application Development (development hour)

More than 80% of users with Android devices. You yourself are most likely using the app when you buy something. Your customers are not fools either, if you want to sell your goods and services online, then you need to make sure that it is convenient for your customers. Our ready-made solution allows you to show the seriousness of your business and be inaccessible to small and medium-sized competitors.
The price is for 1 hour of development, leave a request and we will make an accurate calculation of the cost for your business. It may be just a few days of work, provided that our ready-made mobile application of the online store for Android devices is suitable for you, which can always be modified for any task.
36 $

Apple App Development (development hour)

Apple users are the most solvent audience and the most demanding. It is unlikely that such a user will agree to a compromise and give up the convenient type of shopping through a mobile application. Our ready-made application for online stores takes into account the preferences of sophisticated owners of Apple devices. Modern competition in online sales makes no sense if there is no way to download a mobile application from your site.
The price is for 1 hour of development, leave a request and we will make an accurate calculation of the cost for your business. It may be just a few days of work, provided that our ready-made mobile application of the online store for iOS devices is suitable for you, which can always be modified for any task.
36 $